Archive for January 12th, 2012

January 12, 2012

Documenting 2011

January is a great time of year to reflect back on all of the great experiences you enjoyed in the past year.  Creating a Year in Review photo book is a fun and easy way to continue to enjoy those memories for years to come.  Your book can include everything from your daily routines such as your bike ride to school…

to special events and trips that made the year particularly meaningful:

Or your annual photo book can simply be a place to showcase some of your favorite photos of the year:

These pages are from a photo book I had the pleasure of helping a fun family create to celebrate their memories from the year.  All of the beautiful images are courtesy of Photographs by Nicole, a talented San Francisco Bay Area photographer.  You can see a few more pages from this book here.

How will you document and remember the year 2011?